1、沱江流域水文对全球气候变化的响应 (邓慧平,唐来华)
2、沙土含水率对起沙临界风速影响 (包为民)
3、大气环流因子对北半球气温变化影响的研究 (龚道溢,王绍武)
4、近百年ENSO 对全球陆地及中国降水的影响 (龚道溢,王绍武0
5、近百年来中国的严重气候灾害 (王绍武 龚道溢 陈振华)
6、近百年我国的异常暖冬与冷冬 (龚道溢,王绍武)
7、我国暴雨极端事件的气候变化特征 (刘小宁)
8、西伯利亚高压的长期变化及全球变暖可能影响的研究 (龚道溢,王绍武)
9、全球变化研究十年新进展 (张志强,孙成权)
12、中国近117 年年平均气温变化的区域特征研究(屠其璞,邓自旺,周晓兰)
13、中国降水极值变化趋势检测(翟盘茂,任福民,张 强)
15、Effects of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric ozone and its radiative forcing (T. Berntsen, I.S.A. Isaksen, J.S. Fuglestvedt)
16、Case study of the effects of atmospheric aerosols and regional haze on agriculture: An opportunity to enhance crop yields in China through emission controls? (W. L. Chameides, H. Yu, S. C. Liu, M. Bergin)
17、On the urban island effect dependence on temperature trends (IN ´ES CAMILLONI and VICENTE BARROS)
18、Deglacial changes in ocean circulation froman extended radiocarbon calibration(Konrad A. Hughen, Jonathan T. Overpeck, Scott J. Lehman)
19、Extreme Weather And Climate Change(David Francis,Henry Hengeveld)
20、Global Variations in Droughts and Wet Spells: 1900-1995 (Aiguo Dai and Kevin E. Trenberth)
22、Rehabilitation and analysis of Canadian daily precipitation time series(Eva Mekis and William D. Hogg)
23、Abrupt climate change at the end of the last glacial period inferred from trapped air in polar ice(Jeffrey P. Severinghaus and Edward J. Brook)
24、Abrupt climate changes: from the past to the future-a review(T. F. Stocker)
26、Climate Variability and Urbanization in Athens(C. M. Philandras, D. A. Metaxas, and P. Th. Nastos)
27、Interpolation of surface radiative temperature measured from polar orbiting satellites to a diurnal cycle(Menglin Jin and Robert E. Dickinson)
29、Simulation of an abrupt change in Saharan vegetation in the mid-Holocene(Martin Claussen1, Claudia Kubatzki, Victor Brovkin)
30、Strantospheric ozone depletion: a review of concepts and history(Susan Solomon)
31、Temporal Fluctuations in Weather and Climate Extremes That Cause Economic and Human Health Impacts: a review (Kenneth E. Kunkel, Roger A. Pielke Jr., and Stanley A. Changnon)
32、Selecting models to predict the timing of flowering of temperate trees: implications for tree phenology modeling (I.CHUINE,P.COUR,D.D.ROUSSEAU)
33、Structural Time Series Models and Trend Detection in Global and Regional Temperature Series (XIAOGU ZHENG , REID E. BASHER)
34、Assessment of urbanization effects in time series of surface air temperature over land (P. D. Jones, P. Ya. Groisman, M. Coughlan, N.Plummer)
35、Dependence of the flower bud burst of some plant taxa in Finland on effective temperature sum: implications for climate warming (Martti Heikinheimo and Hanna Lappalainen)
36、Mean And Variance Change in Climate Scenarios: Methods, Agricultural Applications, and Measures of Uncertainty (Linda O. Mearns, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Richard Goldberg)
37、Trend Detection in Regional-Mean Temperature Series: Maximum, Minimum, Mean, Diurnal Range, and SST (Xiao Gu Zheng, Reid E. Basher, and Craig S. Thompson)
38、Adapting North American agriculture to climate change in review (William E. Easterling)
39、Potential impact of climate change on world food supply (Cynthia Rosenzweig and Martin L.Parry)
40、Detecting the onset of spring: a possible application of phenological models (Mark D. Schwartz)
41、Dependence of precipitation on temperature at Florence and Livorno (Italy) (T. Adri Buishand, Theo Brandsma)
42、The variable effect of clouds on atmospheric absorption of solar radiation(Zhanqing Li,Howard W. Barker and Louis Moreau)
43、An overview of the global historical climatology network temperature database(Thomas C. Peterson and Russell S. Vose)
44、Determination of climatological seasons for the east coast of the U.S. using an air mass-based classification(Shouquan Cheng, Laurence S. Kalkstein)
47、Recent trends in diumal variation of precipitation at Valentia on the west coast of Ireland (G.Kiely,J.D. Albertson, M.B. Parlange)
48、Homogeneity adjustments of in situ atmospheric climate data: a review (Thomas C. Peterson, David R. Easterling, Thomas R. Karl)
49、A Technique for the Identification of Inhomogeneities in Canadian Temperature Series (LUCIE A. VINCENT)
50、Critical Issues for Long-Term Climate Monitoring (THOMAS R. KARL , VERNON E. DERR , DAVID R. EASTERLING)