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更新日期:2012/1/8  浏览:2061

150年北京树木物候对气候变化的响应 (徐雨晴,陆佩玲,于强)

2150年北京春季物候对气候变化的响应 (张学霞,葛全胜,,郑景云)

3北京城市化进程与热岛强度关系的研究  (林学椿,于淑秋,唐国利)

4北京地区气温的年代际变化和热岛效应 (林学椿,于淑秋)

5不同方法计算的气温平均值差异分析  (刘小宁,张洪政,李庆祥)

6地面气象资料质量控制方法研究概述 (刘小宁,任芝花) 

7祁连山区1997-2004年积雪面积和雪线高度变化分析 (张杰,韩涛,王建)

8气象要素空间化方法精度的比较研究——以平均气温为例  (蔡福, 于贵瑞, 祝青林)

9清代中后期江苏四季降水变化与极端降水异常事件 (郑景云, 赵会霞) 

10太白山佛爷池湖泊沉积理化分析反映的8000aBP 以来环境变化 (刘耕年, 傅海荣, 崔之久)

11太白山古冰川遗迹资源与旅游可持续开发 (董红梅,,宋友桂)

12我国大雾的气候特征及变化初步解释  (刘小宁,张洪政,李庆祥)

13我国西北地区东部可降水量变化趋势的初步研究  (张玉娟, 谢金南, 罗哲贤)

14中国紫外辐射的空间分布特征  (祝青林,于贵瑞,蔡福)

15IPCC SRES A2B2情景下我国玉米产量变化模拟  (熊伟 ,许呤隆 ,林而达)

16地表温度和地表辐射温度差值分析 (黄妙芬,刘绍民,刘素红)

17黑龙江省过去20年粮食作物种植格局变化及其气候背景 (云雅如, 方修琦, 王媛)

18气候变化对我国小麦产量的影响 (居辉,熊伟,许吟隆)

19我国沙尘的来源、移动路径及对东部海域的影响  (张凯,高会旺,张仁健)

20中国21世纪气候变化情景的统计分析 (许吟隆, 黄晓莹, 张勇)

21中国气候与环境演变评估(II):气候与环境变化的影响与适应、减缓对策  (陈宜瑜, 丁永建, 佘之祥)






27A method of homogenizing the extremes and mean of daily temperature measurements (P.M. Della-Marta, H.Wanner)

28The Arctic climate paradox:The recent decrease of the Arctic Oscillation  (J. E. Overland, M. Wang)

29Antarctic climate change during the last 50 years (John Turner, Steve R. Colwell, Gareth J. Marshall)

30Holocene grassland vegetation, climate and human impact in central eastern inner Mongolia (HUANG Fei, Kealhofer Lisa, XIONG Shangfa)

31Observed trends in Indices of daily temperature extremes in south America 1960-2000 (L. A. VINCENT, T. C. PETERSON, V. R. BARROS)

32The increasing trend of intense precipitation in Japan based on four-hourly data for a hundred years (Fmiaki Fujibe, Nobuo Yamazaki, Mitsugi Katsuyama)

33Trends in intense precipitation in the climate record (Pavel Ya. Groisman, Richard W. Knight, David R. Easterling)

34A model intercomparison of changes in the Atlantic  thermohaline circulation in response to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration J. M. Gregory, K. W. Dixon, R. J. Stouffer

35A strategic assessment of scientific and behavioural perspectives on ‘dangerous’ climate change Irene Lorenzoni, Tom Lowe and Nick Pidgeon

36Change in mean temperature as a predictor of extreme temperature change in the Asia-pacific region G. M. Griffiths, L. E. Chambers, M. R. Haylock, M. J. Manton

37Climate change: the tragedy of the commons?  (Brandon Kerns)

38Climate conflict: common sense or nonsense?  (Ragnhild Nordås, Nils Petter Gleditsch)

39Climate variability and change: past, present and future-an overview (M. James Salinger)

41Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years (Kerry Emanuel)

42Natural variability and sampling errors in solar radiation measurements for model validation over the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains region  (Zhanqing Li,1 M. C. Cribb, and Fu-Lung Chang)

44Reconstruction of historical climate in China (Q.-S. Ge, J.-Y. Zheng, Z-X. Hao, P.-Y Zhang)

45Seasonal  variation in the regional structure of warming across China in the past half century (Yuanqing He, Aigang Lu, Zhonglin Zhang)

46The time scales of the climate-economy feedback and the climatic cost of growth  (Stéphane Hallegatte)

48Analysis of spatial distribution and temporal trend of reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation in Changjiang (Yangtze River) catchment

50Efficiently constraining climate sensitivity with ensembles of paleoclimate simulations (J. D. Annan, J. C. Hargreaves, R. Ohgaito)

51Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation (L. V. Alexanderl, X. Zhange, T. C. Petersonn)

56Diurnal variations of air pollution and atmospheric boundary layer structure in Beijing during winter 2000/2001 (ZHOU Li, XU Xiangde, DING Guoan)

57Bias corrections of long-term(1973-2004) daily precipitation data over the northern regions (Daqing Yang, Douglas Kane, and Zhongping Zhang)

58Central-north China precipitation as reconstructed from the Qing dynasty: Signal of the Antarctic Atmospheric Oscillation (Huijun Wang1 and Ke Fan)

59Why is there an early spring cooling shift downstream of the Tibetan Plateau? (Jian Li, Rucong Yu, Tianjun Zhou)

60Atmospheric water vapor transport associated with typical anomalous summer rainfall patterns in China (Tian-Jun Zhou and Ru-Cong Yu)

62Uncertainty estimates in regional and global observed temperature changes: a new dataset from 1850 (P. Brohan, J. J. Kennedy, I. Harris)

63Human security, climate change and small islands (Yannis Kinnas, Ph. D.)

64The increasing trend of intense precipitation in Japan based on four-hourly data for a hundred years (Fumiaki Fujibe, Nobuo Yamazaki, Mitsugi Katsuyama)

65How often does it rain? (Ying Sun, Susan Solomon)

66Characteristics of climatic trends and correlation be- tween pan-evaporation and environmental factors in the last 40 years over China (ZUO Hongchao, LI Dongliang, HU Yinqiao)




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