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更新日期:2012/1/8  浏览:2197


1SRES A2 情景下中国气候未来变化的多模式集合预测结果(姜大膀,王会军,郎咸梅)


3气候变化对植物物候影响的研究进展 (徐雨晴,陆佩玲,于强)

4内蒙古中东部全新世草原植被、环境及人类活动 (黄翡,K. Lisa,熊尚发)

5青藏高原及周围地区大气可降水量的分布、变化与各地多变的降水气候 (蔡英,钱正安,吴统文)

6中国北方地区50年来最高和最低气温变化及其影响 (王菱,谢贤群,苏文)

7中国近50年气温及降水量的变化趋势分析 (左洪超,吕世华,胡隐樵)

8华北地区水资源及水安全问题的思考与研究 (夏军, 刘孟雨,贾绍凤)

920年气候变暖对黑龙江水稻增产的贡献 (方修琦, 王媛, 徐锬)

10气候变化对华北地区主要作物需水量的影响 (刘晓英,林而达)

11全球变化的区域适应研究:挑战与研究对策 (葛全胜 ,陈泮勤 ,方修琦)

12全球变暖背景下东亚气候变化的最新情景预测 (姜大膀,王会军,郎咸梅)

13生态用水的基本理论与计算方法 (杨爱民,唐克旺,王浩)

14Development of a new set of long-term climate averages for the UK  Daniel Hollis Matthew Perry

15Arctic climate change:observed and modelled temperature and sea-ice variability Ola M. Johannessen, Lennart Bengtsson, Martin W. Miles

16Climate controls on vegetation phenological patterns in northern mid-and high latitudes inferred from MODIS data (XiaoYang Zhang, Mark A. Friedl, Crystal B. Schaaf)

17Estimating global impacts from climate change (Sammuel Hitz, Joel Smith)

18Extreme climatic events and their evolution under changing climatic conditions (Martin BenistonDavid B. Stephenson)

19Responses of spring phenology to climate change (Franz-W. Badeck, Alberte Bondeau, Kristin Böttcher)

20Rice yields decline with higher night  temperature from global warming (Shaobing Peng, Jianliang Huang, John E. Sheehy)

21The 2003 heat wave in Europe :A shape of thing to come?An analysis based on Swiss climatological data and model simulations (Martin Beniston)

22The generation of monthly gridded datasets for a range of climatic variables over the United Kingdom (Matthew Perry,Daniel Hollis)

23The role of increasing temperature variability in European summer heatwaves (Christoph Scha¨ r, Pier Luigi Vidale, Daniel Lu¨ thi)

24A bias-corrected precipitation climatology for China (Baisheng Ye, Daqing Yang, Yongjian Ding)

25A comparison of the power of the test, Mann-Kendall and bootstrap tests for trend detection (Sheng Yue, Paul Pilon)

26A new East Asian winter monsoon index and associated characteristics of the winter monsoon (Jong-Ghap Jhun, Eun-Jeong Lee)

28A review of Decadal/ Interdecadal climate variation studies in China (LI Chongyin, HE Jinhai, ZHU Jinhong)

29Quality control of daily meteorological data in China,1951-2000: A new dataset (Song Feng, Qi Hu, Weihong Qian)

30Searching for change in hydrological data (Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz)

31Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core EPICA community members 

32What may we conclude about global tropospheric temperature trends? (John R. Christy and William B. Norris)

33Mechanisms of global warming impacts on regional tropical precipitation

34Method for seasonal precipitation reconstruction derived from snow and rainfall archives in Qing Dynasty : A case study in Shijiazhuang (Zheng Jingyun, Hao Zhixin, Ge Quansheng)

35Regional changes in extreme climatic events: A future climate scenario (JASON L. BELL, LISA C. SLOAN, AND MARK A. SNYDER)

36Relationship between vegetation coverage and spring dust storms over northern China (Xukai K. Zou and Panmao M. Zhai)

37The day after tomorrow: public opinion on climate change (Andrew Norton and John Leaman)

38Large-scale treeline changes recorded in Siberia (Jan Esper, Fritz H. Schweingruber)

39Topsoil organic carbon storage of China and its los by cultivation Guohan Song, Lianqing Li, Genxing Pan

40Troposphere  cooling and summer monsoon weakening trend over East Asia  (Rucong Yu, Bin Wang, Tianjun Zhou)

41Taking China’s temperature: Daily range, warming trends, and regional variations, 1955-2000 (Binhui Liu, Ming Xu, Mark Henderson)

42A spatial analysis of pan evaporation trends in China,1955-2000 (Binhui Liu, Ming Xu, Mark Henderson)

43Extra-tropical Northern hemisphere land temperature variability over the past 1000 years (Edward R. Cook, Jan Esper, Rosanne D. D’Arrigo)

44Diurnal temperature range as an index of global climate change during the twentieth century (Karl Braganza, David J. Karoly, J. M. Arblaster)

45Holocene annual mean temperature changes in Estonia and their relationship to solar insolation and atmospheric circulation patterns (Heikki Seppa¨ , Anneli Poska)

46Climate change: a challenge or a threat for water management (Tiziano Draghetti, Giuseppe Bortone, Emanuele Cimatti)

47Changes in Australian pan evaporation from 1970 to 2002 (Michael L. Roderice, Graham D. Farquhar)



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