1、“八国集团” 2009意大利峰会减排目标下的全球碳排放情景分析(方精云)
5、古东亚冬季风和夏季风反位相变化吗? (周波涛)
6、葫芦洞石笋记录的19.9-17.1ka BP东亚夏季风增强事件(吴江滢)
8、基于卫星探测资料的珠江三角洲城市群对降水影响的观测研究( 黎伟标)
9、极地冰芯研究的新焦点:NEEM与Dome A(任贾文)
10、季风与大气环流系统( Andre Berger)
11、近30年北京夏季降水演变的城郊对比( 张立杰)
12、近千年亚洲-太平洋涛动指数与东亚季风变化( 周秀骥)
13、京津冀地区大气局地环流耦合效应的数值模拟( 刘树华)
15、蒙古国中部Ugii Nuur 湖8660a BP 以来高分辨率孢粉记录及气候变化(王维)
17、全球季风的地质演变( 汪品先)
19、上海1873年至2007年汛期水资源的气候变化特征( 梁萍)
31、珠穆朗玛峰东绒布冰芯1800 AD 以来的火山活动记录(徐建中)
32、A comprehensive analysis of changes in precipitation regime in Tuscany
33、Annual and seasonal precipitation over Italy from 1961 to 2006
34、Can solar variations explain variations in the Earth's climate ?
35、Changes in hot days and heat waves in China during 1961-2007
36、Changes in means and extreme events of temperature and precipitation in the Asia-Pacific Network region,1955-2007
37、Characteristics and changes of cold surge events over China during 1960-2007
38、Climate change in Turkey for the last half century
39、Climatic trends in Israel 1970-2002:warmer and increasing airdity inland
40、Detecting and understanding the multi-decadal variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon-Recent progress and state of affairs
41、Divergence pitfalls in tree-ring research
42、Evaluating global warming potentials with historical temperature
43、Extreme rainfalls in SE South America
44、Global and hemispheric temperatures revisited
45、Global cooling:increasing world-wide urban albedos to offset CO 2
46、How robust is the long-run relationship between temperature and radiative forcing?
47、.Inter-decadal variation of the summer precipitation in China and its association with decreasing Asian summer monsoon
48、On rising temperature trends of Karachi in Pakistan
49、Possible solar forcing of 400-year wet-dry climate cycles in northwestern China
50、Precipitation reconstruction from Hailar pine tree rings in the Hailar region,Inner Mongolia,China back to 1865 AD
51、Summer maximum temperature in northern France over the past century:instrumental data versus multiple proxies(tree-ring isotopes,grape harvest dates and forest fires)
52、Targets and technologies for climate control Guest Editorial
53、The evidence for and against astronomical impacts on climate changge and mass extinctions:A review
54、The geopolitics of climate changes:avoiding determinism,fostering sustainable development
55、The global warming potential-the need for an interdisciplinary retrial
56、The IPCC on a heterogeneous Medieval Warm Period
57、The prize of peace(is eternal vigilance);a cautionary editorial essay on climate geopolitics
58、Trends in extreme precipitation indices derived from a daily rainfall database for the South of Portugal
59、Wet and dry summers in Europe since 1750:evidence of increasing drought
60、Why the Western Pacific Subtropical High Has Extended Westward since the Late 1970s |