1、《Global Warming and Climate Change》 (S.George Philander)
2、《Atmospheric Science》 (John M.Wallace ,Peter V.Hobbs)
3、《Climate Change》 (A Multidisciplinary Approach William James Burroughs)
4、《Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics 》 (Principles and Parameterizations Jerry M. Straka)
5、《East Asian Monsoon 》(C.-P. Chang)
6、《Acoustic waves》 (K E Gillbertand H E BASS)
7、《Fronties of Climate Modeling 》(J.T.KIEHL , V.RAMANATHAN)
8、《Global Warming 》(David Archer)
9、《Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation》 (Hans R.Pruppacher and James D.Klett)
10、《Human-Monsoon System of East Asia in the Context of Global Change》 (Congbin Fu JR Freney J W B Stewart)
11、《Recent Progress in Atmospheric Sciences 》 -Application to the Asia-Pacific Region (K.N.Liou M.-D.Chou)
12、《Predictability of Weather and Climate》 (Tim Palmer and Reenate Hagedorn)
13、《Weather and Climate》(Michael Levy)