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更新日期:2017/9/11   浏览:2592

 Seminar on Impact of Natural Disasters on Electrical Facilities and the Mitigation

Seminar on Impact of Natural Disasters on Electrical Facilities and the Mitigation


At the beginning of 2008, South China experienced a rare disaster of sustained low temperature, rain and snow. On May 12, Wenchuan in Sichuan Province was hit by an M 8.0 major earth quake. These two disasters have brought great damage to the electrical facilities and safe power supply. How to reduce the impact of natural disasters on electrical facilities and work out resolution measures from research work has become hot topic of the discussion and exchange among electrical engineers.

      In this condition, Chinese National Committee of CIGRE and CSEE co-sponsored Seminar on Impact of Natural Disasters on Electrical Facilities and the Resolution on May 30 to 31. It was organized by CSEE Power Distribution Society. More than one hundred experts, scholars from grid companies, generation corporation, research institutes, colleges, and electrical manufacturers attended the seminar. 19 experts were invited to give report on their research on causes of the ice disaster, designing standards, ice removing methods, early warning and prevention; impact of earthquake, typhoon toward electrical facilities. Mr. Lu Yanchang, President of Chinese National Committee of CIGRE and CSEE addressed the opening ceremony.



Mr. Lu Yanchang, President of Chinese National Committee of CIGRE and CSEE addressing the opening ceremony


Ren Guoyu, Researcher from National Climate Center in his report


Liu Kaijun, Deputy Director of Development Planning Department of State Grid Corporation of China in his report




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