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更新日期:2012/12/24   浏览:1390


CMA collects global land temperature and precipitation data

Source: China Meteorological News
Ren Guoyu, Chief expert of the Open-laboratory for Climate Study of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and his team, are going to collect global land surface air temperature and precipitation data of 100 years plus,so as to explore the pattern of global and regional climate change.

The above work has been carried out with support of a national research project--“global land climate change monitoring technology and its application in recent 100 years”. Professor Ren Guoyu said that the project will develop the first data set of high quality surface air temperature and precipitation records in Asia, as well as in land areas across the world. Meanwhile, it will construct and analyze the temporal change of temperature and precipitation over the iabove regions, and develop technical and operational standard. 

Currently, the team has collected many sets of data beginning from the year of 1900. And they are going to carry out quality control and homogenization work before conducting analysis of spatial and temporal pattern of the mean and extreme climate change (Dec. 24).
Reporter Sun Nan and Liu Wei
Editor Shi Long

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