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更新日期:2018/10/20   浏览:1769


 APCC hosted the 2018 Training Program on “User-oriented Statistical Downscaling of Climate Information in Agriculture and Water Resources”

source: http://apcc21.org/notice/apccnewsView.do?lang=en&bbsId=BBSMSTR_000000000016&nttId=5898&pageIndex=1&recordCountPerPage=10&searchCnd=&cate1=&searchWrd= 


The APEC Climate Center (APCC) conducted the 2018 training program on “User-oriented Statistical Downscaling of Climate Information in Agriculture and Water Resources” for 18 participants from government institutions in the field of agriculture and water resources from 10 different APEC member economies. The training program took place at the APCC headquarters in Haeundae, Busan from October 15 to 20, 2018.


The training program was held to provide climate information users in APEC member economies with methods to produce and utilize climate information that is suitable for application to agriculture and water resources that is able to reflect the respective features of each region by using the statistical downscaling method. APCC believes that with this information, the participants will be able to contribute to climate change adaption in their countries.


The climate information users who participated in the program were taught a method to produce effectively downscaled climate information through 'APCC Integrated Modeling Solution (AIMS)' during this training program (aims.apcc21.org). Also, the climate information users built their capacity to produce future climate change scenarios with the AIMS program developed by APCC.


After this training program, the climate information users will be able to produce climate change scenarios, adjusted by their respective regional features, by using weather observation data in their countries and country-by-country climate change scenarios provided by APCC. In addition, the opinions and demands for climate information were discussed to enhance services for the climate information system and satisfaction with the user's system. APCC will be taking this feedback into consideration for improving its climate information services. 

  版权所有:中国气象局国家气候中心任国玉课题组   京ICP备12345678号   设计制作:无忧网络
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